Friday, September 7, 2018


Scripture tells us that the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. There is a world of difference between the law and grace. Under the law the people struggled to obey God, they exerted themselves to please God. The lacked a good understanding of God will for them because they are not spiritually to God. Therefore God dealt with them according to their understanding of Him. He dealt with them from outside in

But in the New testament, under grace, the people are born again and are spiritually alive to God. The light of God s will is bright within us to please God. We do not struggle to please God; we helped by the spirit of grace who live inside us.Our hearts are circumcised to please and to love God; for we are the circumcision that worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus; we have no conference in the flesh (Philippines 3:3).Jesus Christ came into the world to bring us into the reign of grace. Now, we really can please God and fulfill His purpose without fleshy exertion but by grace through faith or absolute trust in God, who work in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

How to you get into the experience of grace? First you must acknowledge that the grace of God has come to us through Jesus' substitutionary work at Calvary.We in the dispensation of the grace of God; we are in the New Testament. What is grace? Grace is God's Mercy, love and help given to us because of what Jesus Christ did for us at Calvary when he took our place as our substitute. To live in and by God 's grace, we must live from Christ finished work. We must live with our reference point being Christ and all He has done for us .we live from who we are in Him, and who He is in us; we live from the mercy that He has procured to us; we live from and by the power of His spirit who lives in us.Grace can only be experienced with Jesus Christ along being our reference point for live and living.

 There is so much power in a seed.seed is the smallest form of existence; it is the smallest form of life; it is the smallest form of everything. Everything can be shrunk into a seed ,and everything can be taken out of seed.God began creation with the seed of His word, and so He inaugurated the seed principle around which creation revolves. That is the wisdom of God. Scripture tells us that while the earth remains, seedtime and Harvest shall not cease. Seed power is tremendous power of possibility to make you expectations a reality. Note that seed time and harvest principle always go together as a whole lump. It is seed time and harvest, not seedtime and seedtime forever! When you sow your seed, it therefore makes sense to follow it through to reap a harvest. That s divine ordination. God does not want you to sow and not reap; He want you to sow your seed and reap a harvest, from which you will again sow. whatever you expectations is, that is the harvest your equired ;and there is always a seed for your desired harvest.

What is a prophetic word? It is God's inspired word documented in the scripture that is forever relevant to every time, to every season, to every dispensation and to everyone.The prophetic word is inspired by the Holy spirit from the written word to meet you at the moment' need; it is a specific word for a specific time, and for a specific person which is given by the holy spirit from the scripture. The prophetic word comes to meet you need for the hour. it is a word from the Lord to you now. It is full of power and grace. It is abundant in power to make good. When the spirit of God moves upon you, prophetic word are released through you.

Thursday, September 6, 2018


The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction
2.  My son be attentive to my words incline your ear to my sayings; Let them not escape from your sight, keep them within your heart
3.  A mistake doesn't become an error until we refuse to correct it
4.  A person who stays in place in life will not be troubled
5.  A man who governs his passions is master of the world
6.  Attitudes are more important than fact's
7.  A child in the hands of a loving mother or father does not talk most of the time but rather listens, or just looks at face of the beloved one or smiles


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